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"Working for working families". I believe it's the most important focus to meet the challenges in our community right now. Going into every meeting and in considering every policy, I keep this value at the top of my list. At the end of the day, what works for working families, works for the whole community.

Other passions and values that guide me:

  • Transparency in government.
  • Multi-modal transportation and good roads.
  • Assessing all permitting limitations that slow down local homeowners and builders.
  • Decisions that lead to building equity at a younger age.
  • Making policy decisions based on how they affect people in real life, not how they sound.
  • Common sense instincts with a willingness to think outside the box.
  • An abundance mindset and synergy.
  • Getting past the divisions and polarity and focusing on what's best for our county now, and for the future!

I'll expand on all of these thoughts as we inch closer to the election and as I talk to as many of you as I can to learn more about the specific issues that keep you from thriving or your ideas that would bring benefit to our community.


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